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Working Through Ascites with the Probe

Changes to the normal abdominal anatomy when effusions are present in the midst of pathological processes will be demonstrated along with the degrees of change and how they correlate to certain pathologies. 


Course Objectives:

  • Hemoabdomen
  • Transudate
  • Modified transudate
  • Exudative processes 
  • A deductive process from the sonographic and medical perspective regarding the cause for effusion formation will be explained and demonstrated with various case presentations
  • Sampling pathological organs causing effusions by FNA and drainage procedures from an ultrasound-guided process

Approved for 1 CE Credit




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Working Through Ascites with the Probe

  • Once your order has been placed, you will receive an email with a link to the online CE quiz. Once you pass the quiz with a 70% or more, your CE certificate will be emailed to you. 

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